Monday, 19 January 2009

Day 1 - This is blog is about my experiance of using FlashDevelop

I've got 2 weeks off work, so I thought I'd squeeze in trying to learning AS 3.0 using flashDevelop 3. I could download the Flex Builder trial, but wouldn't be as cool. Although, I might if I get frustrated with FlashDevelop.

Ah I better say where my skill level is at right now. I've got some coding experiance with AS 2.0 but minimum with OOP and non with AS 3.0. But that's where I want to be at the end of two weeks - some competence in AS 3.0 using OOP.

The idea, behind this blog is that it supports my learning. If I make a hash of stuff I can go back to see where I went wrong and pick up where I left off. Also, it might anyone else looking help - who knows, you might even be able to help me.

Apparantly it's good to be goal orientated. So the idea is by the end of the two weeks I'll have an simple arcade game built, I'm thinking something similar to space invaders.

This is where I'm at now:

I've bought a couple of books:

Essential ActionScript 3.0 - Moock - This book is off the hook, well that's what everyone says, and they probably right. But quite frankly if you ain't a natural coder - it's pretty hard work to get started with AS 3.0 with it. But still it'll probably come in handy later on.

Learning ActionScript 3.0 - Rich Shupe with Zevan Rosser
This looks really promising, but its based on using flash cs 3. Which is cool, but I'd rather try out FlashDevelop. My current thinking is adapt examples in this book for FlashDevelop

If things get tough, I'm think maybe But I'm going to do this learning thing on mimimum resource for now.

I've installed FlashDevelop with these tutorials I found on the web.
got a nice video too

Got a trace working with this

that's where I'm at, I'll post soon. Feel free to post comments on anything you like AS 3.0, Flash, random stuff on non-code stuff, it's all welcome, it'd be a nice suprise to find that it's not just me reading this blog.

ps this is currently Day 2.0 and I got 'Hello World' up on Flash, not a bad start I guess.

1 comment:

  1. If anyone does actually read this blog, I didn't accomplish AS 3.0 in two weeks, but i'll continue to post. To see what happened at the 2 week stage see the post:

    Tuesday, 10 February 2009
    Day ? - Where am I at?
